Omnifocus Plugin Duplicate for list

17 Apr 2021

I’ve just released a plugin for Omnifocus called Duplicate for List. This plugins allows you to duplicate any task and replace a placeholder with values from a list.

Product Thinking in Practice webinar

05 Aug 2020

Last month I hosted a webinar with my Box UK colleague Kevin Greer on Product Thinking for Wales Tech Week. It’s a helpful introduction to some different ways of thinking about development and how we’ve put some of that into practice.

What makes a real deadline

28 Jul 2020

We are all working to deadlines, all the time. Whether you’re working to a daily print deadline or a project deadline further in the future, everbody is ruled by the deadline. Too often we don’t get to choose our deadlines, they get imposed upon us. Our workload is also something we can’t always control. This means we are often looking at calendars knowing that work left to do is impossible to be delivered by the deadline.

Automating Slack with AppleScript

13 Dec 2018

I recently published an AppleScript library to help automate common tasks I do in Slack.